
Upcree started with the vision to make solar parks accessible and understandable to landowners. Our roadmap includes expanding our dataset regionally and eventually eliminating the need for middlemen, empowering owners to take control.

We aim to be the de facto dataset and tool for solar parks, providing owners with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Our long-term vision includes educating power consumers and landowners on designing and building solar parks and changing the game for everyone involved.


Human-machine hybrid

Many design automation, AI-powered tools try to automate everything, and halfway into the process, they realize it’s impossible without AGI, which we’re still far from even after all the breakthroughs in AI we’ve recently seen.

That approach produces overly complex systems that meet endless edge cases where users end up manually tweaking the design anyway. These systems are hard to set up and use, exposing hundreds of options, tools, and settings.

Computers are great at producing large amounts of design options and iterations. Still, people are better at evaluating how good these are, understanding the complex constraints around them, and crafting the inputs and parameters that inform the system.

Understanding this, we decided to take a different approach. Following the Pareto principle, we expose 20% of the complex options that carry 80% of the results that most people will use. We don’t replace but empower owners, professionals, and developers to 10x their productivity.

The system does most of the heavy lifting, producing fast design iterations, attacking the repeatable parts of the design process, and letting humans do the final touches, complementing each other and not trying to replace designers.

Another thing we’ve seen across the industry is that the existing design automation solutions try to automate highly unique building programs, like residential or office buildings. We decided to start with the most standardizable and repeatable programs: solar energy, later moving to data centers.

Solar Industry

Stage 1

We’re focused on automating critical parts of the solar park design workflow, allowing you to go from a 2D layout to a precise 3D design in minutes, calculating pile heights, steel usage, and soil movements.

Stage 2

Full AI-powered automation of your solar park. Input your priorities (e.g., minimizing soil movements) and pile and panel characteristics, and get your site’s ideal solar plant design and QTO in minutes.

Stage 3

Connect with suppliers to directly manage your purchases based on your design specifications and QTO.

Stage 4

Buy your products directly from your ideal supplier based on price, lead times, specifications, and plant location right on Upcree.

Stage 5

Link with suppliers and contractors to manage your packages, lead times, and planning for your plant.

Beyond Solar

As we look to the future, Upcree aims to become a versatile tool adaptable to various building projects, starting from the most rigid and standardized programs like solar energy and data centers, which are most prone to automation and less influenced by cultural or contextual variables.

Afterward, we plan to leverage learnings from the first stages and extend that to automate the design process for gradually less rigid and standardizable programs such as health, office buildings, and residential, making Upcree a comprehensive solution for design automation in various architectural endeavors: the ultimate AI-powered design tool that allows you to iterate faster, purchase your materials, and get your contractors in the same platform.